Teaching Standard #3 Learning Environments

Artifact: Lesson Plan 4 Recording on Sorting Objects

Standard #3 Learning Environments 

The teacher works with learners to create environments that support individual and

collaborative learning, encouraging positive social interaction, active engagement in learning,

and self motivation.

Standard in Your Own Words: 

The educator works with students to construct a learning environment that encourages individual and collaborative learning, promotes positive social dynamics, consistent engagement in learning and encourages motivation.

Indicator: 3 (r) Is a thoughtful and responsive listener and observer. 

Description of Artifact: This artifact is a reflection video recording of a lesson plan that I planned and implemented. While watching the video, I am able to reflect on my teaching strategies, content and behavior management practices.

Rationale: For my artifact, I met the standard through observing and listening to my strategies, tone of voice and content taught in my lesson plan recording. This artifact is able to aid my improvement in many areas of teaching that I can only observe and listen to by watching the recording.

Lesson Plan Video Reflection


Lesson Plan Recording Reflection

After implementing my lesson plan, I reviewed my teaching and implementation of my practices through the video recording. Some of the things I looked for were: behavior management, following a sequence of demonstration, model and teaching. Also, I was analyzing and evaluating my anticipatory set, demonstration, independent practice, guided practice and closure. I noted the time management and the influence it may have had on my student behaviors. 

Although my lesson planning was extremely organized, through assessing the video, I could have honed in on the implementation. I observed, my transitions were not very smooth and it left time for unwanted or negative classroom behaviors. Some remediation ideas I have include: using a timer or a signal during these transitions. It would help switching between instruction and activities run much more smoothly. Additionally, I could have aided the transitions by writing a schedule for the students on the board so they would know the agenda and the assignments we must complete. I think next time utilizing a timer and a schedule would help minimize negative or disruptive student behaviors. Additionally, next time I do a lesson plan I would like to incorporate some body  mindfulness activities that will aid in emotional regulation. Recently, we have discussed how some of our students are not responding to our emotional regulation chart or are having difficulty understanding the meaning of having a calm body. I think incorporating body mindfulness and emotional regulation more into my lesson planning would also have a positive impact on the students overall comprehension of the standard for my next lesson. The last critique, I have for myself is to improve my monitoring of the students and classroom environment. I feel that I overly focus on one student for too long and I am trying to improve my speed of monitoring and scanning the room to maintain positive behaviors and optimal academic comprehension.

Lastly, I think I strengthened my behavior management from my previous observation by being more aware of my tone of voice and body language. Yes, there is more room for progress. However, I was more cognisant of how I sounded and the seriousness of my voice when managing unwanted behaviors. I plan to continue awareness and practice being more firm. For the future, I also plan to project my voice more because after watching the video, I realized I may not have been speaking as loudly as I had perceived. These notes, I will utilize to enhance my instruction for students and develop my behavior management skills as an educator.