Teaching Standard #7 Planning for Instruction

Standard #7 Planning for Instruction:

The teacher draws upon knowledge of content areas, cross-disciplinary skills, learners, the community, and pedagogy to plan instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals.

Standards In Your Own Words: The educator utilizes knowledge from various subject areas to meet the needs of students with differing strengths and needs to meet goals for individual learners.

Indicator: 7 (n): Respects students’ diverse strengths and needs and is committed to using this information to plan effective instruction. 

Description of Artifact: This is an artifact that aided in my understanding of strengths and challenges of individual students by using their IEP data to plan for instruction.

Rationale: By creating this artifact, I learned how to create instruction by considering the strengths and needs of students through reviewing and analyzing IEPs.

 Case Study assignment